Third-Party Insurance vs. The Road Accident Fund
Personal Insurance and Third-party Coverage
Third-party liability coverage is the portion of your car insurance policy that protects you if you’re held legally responsible for a car accident and damage someone else’s property.
When taking out car insurance, it’s important to ensure that you review that portion of your policy carefully because in the event of an accident, once a claim against you exceeds the limit, you will be responsible for paying the remaining balance.
Most insurance companies generally do not charge exorbitant premiums to increase third-party liability coverage, therefore it is worth investigating to be sure there are no shortfalls.
Personal Insurance Liability vs the Road Accident Fund
In South Africa, the need for passenger liability insurance, in general, has often been debated due to the existence of the Road Accident Fund (RAF). The Road Accident Fund covers your liability in the case of a personal injury to a third party as long as you are found to have driven negligently – in other words, it covers personal injury to the other party, but no damage to material possessions. During a road accident fund claim, the Road Accident Fund is presented with a claim for damages which includes past and future medical expenses, past and future loss of earnings and general damages which are quantified through scrutinous investigations by both the RAF as well as your attorneys, therefore it is advisable that you choose a reputable law firm to ensure maximum compensation.
How do I pay the legal fees?
We do consider these matters on our ordinary no win no fee basis and are able to assist clients in pursuing third-party claims.
Learn more about third-party and Road Accident Fund claims
If you would like to institute or pursue an accident claim with the assistance of Malcolm Lyons and Brivik, contact us on the details below. Malcolm Lyons and Brivik specialise in medical law, personal injury law, labour and road accident fund claims and have been recognised as leading attorneys in South Africa since 1965.
Contact our offices below for further information
0861 MLB INC
Johannesburg Office
+27(0) 011 268 6697
Cape Town Office
+27(0) 21 425-5570
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